“Use the spray 3 times a day when you have a runny nose.”

“Thanks! What should I do if I develop a fever?”

Working smarter, not harder, to deliver superlative customer experience

By understanding and conversing, either on-screen or through its natural language (voice recognition) interface, AVA delivers a customer service experience at the level of the very best CSAs.

So how can AI technology work for me?

How to relieve the daily stress and boredom of handling the same types of question yet ensuring the perfect answer every time? By deploying the type of “Chat Bot” technology used today by organisations, of every size and sector, across the world. Chat bots can also help to:


Power up your marketing

Personalize your customer experience.
Answer questions, deliver information and engage prospects and clients across multiple communication channels.


Supercharge your sales

Scale your efforts without increasing employee headcount.
Generate and qualify leads automatically, while implementing the same sales technique used by your best sales people.


Optimize your support

Keep your customer support going after hours.
Address critical issues and hand off calls after collating the essential information for fast resolution.

Take client self-help to the next level; delivered quickly, simply and securely

Expand the range of tasks patients can perform for themselves while, simultaneously, reducing the pressures on overburdened clerical and medical staff. Checking opening times, gauging a doctor's availability, ordering repeat prescriptions and many more simple, yet time-consuming, activities can be safely and securely fulfilled by AVA.

Check available clinics

Save your valuable time for the complex cases.

Let the chat bots handle the simple, mundane tasks and questions, and ensure your valuable time is reserved for the complex or sensitive cases. Make sure all the essential information has been collected to streamline any call hand-off to live agents, saving clinic time and customer frustration.

Book an appointment

AVA helps your business thrive

Some answered to common questions

But how could AVA help me?

Tying up staff, giving the same answers time and time again means they’re NOT answering other calls that may relate to more urgent situations – maybe a medical emergency or a domestic crisis! Bots can handle the “simple and monotonous”, 24-hours a day, seven days a week – no tea-breaks, no complaints – improving call flow but, more importantly, easing the pressure and reducing the stress on their human counterparts - making sure as many emergencies as possible are dealt with in the quickest time.

Taking the initiative

When a client comes onto your website, just like when they walk into your shop, Bots let you take the initiative and proactively engage, to find out why they’re there and what they need. Bots handle many calls in a more efficient manner, letting your Bot “assistant” service the mundane tasks and passing more demanding or complex calls to real person, as and when the need arises. Bots are awake 24/7 but so much more than an answer machine - collecting and organising information, suggesting courses of action facilitating info for rapid responses when you’re back in the office.

So how do they work and do Bots really “think”?

Don’t worry, we’re not talking “I, Robot” just yet - Bots don’t learn by themselves! Bots are trained to react the way users want them to, responding to inquiries in line with the specific actions at set up. Programmed right, a Bot can independently “understand” numerous ways a questions can be posed - “What’s location is closest?", “nearest location”, “nearest to me” etc. should all deliver the same response – making interactions with the Bot much faster and more flexible.

So, can a Bot learn?

Continual refinement, looking at the way have questions been posed and expanding and modifying the Bot’s responses, can make a Bot ever better in adapting to its set tasks.

How does it work?

AVA has many application areas but here are a few examples of where AI can make a real difference.

Right appointment, right service, right time

Ensure all the right questions are asked at the appropriate time, rather than being limited to a static website decision tree.

Free up valuable "face to face" time

Optimise valuable "face to face" clinician time by ensuring other mundane tasks are automated, wherever possible.

Faster treatment, better results

"Time to treatment" is critical in many clinical situations, so make certain that best practise is followed each and every time

Talk to Mikkom for a confidential and no-obligation discussion of how AVA can help your business today

With years of experience Mikkom can advise how best to address your business critical issues.